#BYOD4L Bring Your Own Devices for Learning - The First Post

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Dimitris PapazimourisCC BY-NC-SA 2.0

What is BYOD4L ? 

Well, it is an open course focused on Mobile devices and apps that support learning. It flexible and short  It is run and facilitated by a group of committed individuals from around the world. You can dip in and out of any of the topics over the next five days: Some might describe it as mini MOOC, but I won't. You can also earn badges for your participation. This really does sound like a 21st century learning experience.

When is it?

The course is running from Monday 26th January for 5 days. Twitterchats night at 8pm (UK time) Use #BYOD4LCHAT and get involved! For more information visit the website.

Why are you doing this?

Passionate people move me, spur me into action. So when @chrissinerantzi first told me about this open course and asked me to help out - how could I not? It tends to be quite difficult not to get swept up in her enrgy and enthusiam, so saying not isn't really an option. We have a track record of working together for the Media Enhanced Learning Special Interest Group (#MELSIG). Anyway, I will be co-facilitating (alongside Chrissi) the final twitterchat of the 5 day course on Friday night at 8pm. The focus the chat will be mainly about creativity and how these devices can support and extend our creative practices.

What do I hope to get out it?

Here several reasons why I think being involved in this project is a good thing:
  • Learn from participants and colleagues about enhancing teaching and learning using mobile devices.
  • I've run the LJMU Mobile Device Support Forum for the past two years and a recent event was all about BYOD. So I hope to share a little of my experience
  • I've never facilitated a social media chat space, only webinars via Collaborate, so this will take me into uncharted territory in terms of my skills.
  • We can't know all the apps, all the devices and all the operating systems - sharing our knowledge is the key way to navigate this fast moving environment
  • I get the opportunity to learn with a great team in a new and exciting way
  • No doubt I'll find new apps and new ways to use my devices to support me and others.
  • It will force me to blog (I'm not the most prolific), but may also force me to record my thoughts in more creative ways. Beware!
  • I might earn my first badge
See you online 
